All About Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tucks)
14th Jul 2021
Abdominoplasty or a 'tummy tuck' is cosmetic or reconstructive surgery. It is used to tighten muscles that have become loose or split following pregnancy, or to remove fat and extra loose skin from the abdomen after massive weight loss.
In most cases, abdominoplasty will:
restore weakened or separated muscles
help alleviate pain
improve bladder function
reduce itching and skin infections caused by excess skin
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What is a Mummy Makeover?
7th Jul 2021
A Mummy Makeover incorporates different plastic surgery procedures into a single operation and can help a woman restore her body to its pre-pregnancy state or even improve on it. Those nine months can take a toll on the body, leaving loose abdominal muscles, sagging breasts and unwanted bulges that don’t seem to go away even with diet and exercise. The Mummy Makeover can address all these concerns in one operation, allowing women to achieve their full results
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What is Lymphoedema?
2nd Jun 2021
is characterised by
swelling of certain parts of the body, caused by problems
with the lymphatic system
. Any part of the body can be affected by lymphoedema,
but it tends to target the arms and legs.
Around 300,000 Australians will
experience lymphoedema at any given time.
Normally, fluid and proteins leak into the body
tissues regularly from the blood. This
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The importance of COMPRESSION & SUPPORT zones in Carefix bras
12th Feb 2019
It’s a fact that targeted compression on wound/scar tissue and post-surgical swollen tissue will advance the post-surgical healing process, reduce the infection risk and help achieve nicer scarring.
Post-surgical bras from Tytex are designed to provide the necessary compression and support exactly where needed. This is achieved by so-called targeted compression zones knitted into the products.
Advances post-surgical healing process
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What Everyone Ought To Know Before Having Breast Surgery!
10th Apr 2018
Dr Rohit Kumar reveals what to expect after your breast augmentation
surgery, plus one thing that could happen to anyone..and it’s pretty
CREDIT: Many thanks to Plastic Surgery Hub for providing this content, to listen to the podcast visit: or listen on iTunes Podcast called “Plastic Surgery Hub Podcast” Transforming Bodies. The name of the episode is “Dr Rohit Kumar Explains W
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